Blatant Attempt to Gain More Followers, but only if you are interested in my crazy random posts. Yes, then Flog ya Blog
Click the flog ya blog icon and follow the instruction on Mummy Time, reach exciting new blogs and meet lovely new bloggy peeps. Go on you know you want to:
A Peaceful, Positive Christmas, 2019.
Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden
gnome and their boy child, Einahalk, along with rest of the wee folks and
me, th...
Bipolar: Cracked Lens?
Every once in awhile, I check in with myself to see what being
bipolar means to me. Before I was diagnosed at 48 in June of 2016, bipolar
just m...
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) telah dikenal sejak lama sebagai tanaman
yang kaya manfaat. Buahnya berasa pahit, asam dan sedikit dingin, tetapi
A New Year, a new life, a new blog, a new book!
Hello all, I will not be writing on this blog any longer, but I'll keep it
here for those who'd like to read the archives. Since my marriage ended
The Baby, Part Six
Hey, Jann, you've found your sister! What are you going to do next?
Stacey and I had texted throughout my five hour drive from Seattle
to Hermiston. I ...
The Stranger
It's hard to believe it's been five years. Hard to believe it's been that
long, and hard to believe that's all it's been. So much of it is still as
fresh i...
Reflections on Yesterday
First of all, I wish you a belated* Bonne Année* to everyone.
Yesterday, the headquarters of the controversial *Charlie Hebdo* newspaper
faced an attack wh...
Ceriakan Hari-harimu dengan Permainan Memasak
Permainan Memasak - Dunia adalah dunia anak-anak bermain , tidak ada
salahnya sebagian besar waktu anak-anak dihabiskan bermain . Berbagai
permainan memasa...
Music Mondaze -- Phillip Phillips
I thought this would be a good song to start off everyone's week.
I hope you all enjoy.
I hope all of you have a good day and a great week.
Haven't ...
Dust Off Your Fax Machines!!! It's Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day!
That's right, it's that time of year to dust off your fax machines!
You heard me right.
In fact, just in case they come back in styl...
Road Trip
Those words mean different things to different people I suppose. For some
there is a bit of excitement attached, a spot of adventure, for others
What Is It With Sneakers?
The re-release of the Air Jordan sneakers and the chaos across the country
last week on people stampeding to buy them is baffling to me. Of course
Top 10 Albums of the year
Before we get to the main meat of this post, there's a couple of albums
worthy of mention that didn't quite make it into the top 10. Bjork's
"Biophilia" an...
Chapter Fifteen
In a chemically induced calm I entered my first class. Last night had been
brutal, I tried to free myself of the built up anxiety with my scissors,...
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