I'm sitting watching The Biggest Loser and wondering how these people lose so much weight each week. I know they are very very big, morbidly obese in all cases but there are people loosing 14lbs each week. How?
I understand they are locked in a ranch with diet and exercise advice and motivation on hand 24/7. They have personal trainers who are pretty brutal but still 14lbs in a weeks. How is that possible? How is that healthy?
Take the biggest contestant ever, a woman weighing in at 476 lbs. Wow that's scary but she looses 100 lbs in 9 weeks.
I don't know about everyone else but when I decide I need to lose a few pounds I struggle to lose 1lb a week but she has lost an average of 10+lbs each week. How?
I'm not a person that doesn't understand healthy diet and exercise, I know about calories, I understand nutrition. I don't always make the right choices but I at least appreciate where I'm going wrong. I have in the past struggled with weight gain when I have had certain types of tablets. One that had a side effect of weight gain, it should have said increased appetite because I just couldn't stop eating. I was waking up during the night and going to get food, any food. I only took it for about 8 weeks and piled on. I had to stop taking them because I felt so huge. Once I stopped I lost that weight but it took much longer to lose than it did to put on. A week on The Biggest Loser would have probably done it!
I could do with losing some weight, at the moment I must have gained some because my smaller clothes feel tight and uncomfortable. I don't want to buy new bigger clothes. I need to take inspiration from people I know who have lost loads of weight, people who can barely walk but have forced themselves to do it. This woman at nearly 400lbs walk/jogged 2 miles. I can't jog 2 miles.
I walk a lot with the dogs but it isn't exactly power walking when you go at sniffing speed. I do my yoga 2 to 3 times a week and that generally works up a sweat and leaves me with various painful muscles. I also do all the dog training and agility but that isn't focused on me. Maybe I should try to move about a bit more.
But my main problem must be food, I love food. I also don't really like cooking so eating out works for me. I love chocolate. I like too many things that are not good for you, I eat them.
So how do I take inspiration from the Biggest Loser and lose my spare pounds? Having just watched the last chance work out I realise they are pushed / push themselves so much harder than I do. They look like they are about to have heart attacks. One guy just collapsed on the treadmill and rolled off the back. I guess you might need the brutal trainers to do this.
Maybe a pound a week suits me!
It wasn't about her, after all - she was a very new friend then - but it
could have been, with only a few minor changes. Even though it wasn't about
her, s...
1 month ago