What a boring searching for jobs blog.
Sorry I'm still filling my spare time job hunting instead of blogging. Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon.
Next week I will get my leaving date from my current job.............. TORN
I want out! So sick of working there. Really wanting an early date.
BUT I have to pay my bills so I should be wanting a late date and hanging in as long as possible.
Anyway off to search for jobs!
A Peaceful, Positive Christmas, 2019.
Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden
gnome and their boy child, Einahalk, along with rest of the wee folks and
me, th...
4 years ago
Hey there Ms. Midnite! Good luck with that search, I wish you better luck than I've had. I miss hearing about you and them terrorist puppies.
I don't envy you the job search. Every once in awhile I think about applying for a job, and then I decide that it really is better to be retired. Good luck on your job search!
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