Dear Blog
I'm sorry I have neglected you for months but I have been really busy. Work continues to be a source of problems. The site I work on is closing and the staff are leaving, well all be over by the end of August.
In true Project Manager style I analysed the risks and decided that the major risk would be that the global Project Manager vision wouldn't work and our group would be next out of the door. I did a quick gap analysis (get me with the worky buzz words) and realised my CV was missing an actual Project Management qualification. Everything has been on the job training from one company. So I decided that the way to go was to get an official qualification and show I know how the job should be done not just how the company I work for does it.
So I put myself in for an exam without doing the course, bought the books and spent the last few months revising in preparation. I sat the exam recently and frightened myself because I found some of the questions very easy making me think I may have missed something. One of the 10 questions I totally messed up but overall I think I will pass. Fingers and toes crossed, results should arrive in the next few months.
My next step was to polish my very, very out of date CV. When I say polish I mean start from scratch as it is 10 years since I updated it. Finally completed a basic CV that can be easily customised for different jobs and all ready to start applying.
Last Wednesday we got the notification that plans have changed and our jobs are now at risk! Spent the remainder of the week listening to the rest of the group saying they saw this coming and that now they need to start updating CVs etc. Confused, if you saw it coming why have you done nothing?
Have 5 job opportunities to apply for, all of them have things that sound interesting and I know I can do them although all but one would be somewhat different from my current job. CVs will be winging there way through electronic mail early next week. Wish them luck if you have a spare moment!
On top of all my planning for this I have had to deal with work itself. It has been horrible. Without moaning too much I just need to say that the company has decided on really unrealistic timelines for closure and transfer. So many things haven't been considered and it has been a nightmare recently. As none of you know who they are I think it is reasonable for me to say that I am disgusted by their lack of customer focus and consideration. They haven't treated staff well but we are costs so that's business but customers are your profits and future income, you'd think they would be trying to protect relationships. Bitch over, not really my problem but when you have worked with clients for years it is hard not to care about them.
Away from work all is good, Mr Midnite has been very supportive and continues to infuse me with his positivity. The furry girls are as usual wonderful and always ready with hugs and doggy licks when the day has been stressful!
Mental health wise the stress of work hasn't been a great help. The situation is pushing my pharmaceutical support system to it's limits but I refuse to let it break me. The doctor has let me have a few sleep tablets and the difference the occasional good nights sleep makes is unbelievable. I have heard before that there is nothing you can't handle if you get a good nights sleep but now understand this.
Knowing that I have been doing positive things to improve the situation as helped massively and I'm confident I'll find nice new job soon.
Hoping my blog will forgive me for my extended absence and that I can get back to writing soon, I do miss it.
Lots of love
Mrs M
A Peaceful, Positive Christmas, 2019.
Fidelina, the beautiful fairy princess, her husband, Geoffrey the garden
gnome and their boy child, Einahalk, along with rest of the wee folks and
me, th...
5 years ago
Long time no see. Hope everything is well.
Maybe we can see you back in the coffee shop sometime?
Hey, I thought you were gone forever.
Good to hear from you and good luck with the job hunting.
Welcome Back!
Our blogs always forgive us ... and it's a good thing too. We all need some time to ourselves sometimes.
It's good to see you back. I've missed hearing about you and your furry little terrorists ;) As for the job situation I think you'll land on your feet and hit the ground running. Sounds to me like you have that situation well in hand.
Missed my Edinburgh (spelling, sorry) Lass!
Can't say much as I have been sluffing myself as it has been a rough year so far.
But Oh, So Glad you are still doing OK.
I imagine you did well on the Test.
Good Luck on the Job Hunting....
I will cross some fingers and toes for you.
Hope to see you around a bit more often as things ease up for you.
Anything at Anytime
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