Asbo dogs and snow

Some of you may be aware of the severe weather conditions that we have been experiencing in the UK.  For those of you that have real weather let me say we have had a bit of snow, you know a few flakes, just enough to get the ski resorts open.  Its about 12 inches of snow in my part of Edinburgh, more on the outskirts.

To those of you who live in tropical climates (or London who I know can't handle snow)  we have experienced a short ice age, the country has ground to a halt with airports closed, trains disrupted, schools, colleges and nursery's shut and the roads blocked.  Edinburgh's buses using their super powers have ran thoughout the freeze.  We have had hail stones that reminded me of the opening of The Day After Tomorrow and have been invaded by an army of dodgy looking snowmen.

The Asbo dogs have been enjoying the snow so I thought I'd share some of their snowy moments:
Star and Sasha in the snow!

Shooting Star
When you have wee legs you have to bounce through the snow.

Digging a snow hole

Star, such a poser!
Observe that snow doesn't stick to red fur.

Quick Dog Interval:
Snowy Tree

Cool Icicles

Back to the Dog Shots:

Flying Furry/Snow Ball

See what I mean by Snowball?

Can't be comfortable but if you can get them off they would be great for throwing!

This week has been fun apart from the car, the street has been blocked all week but finally I decided to dig the car out, 40 minutes spent clearing snow off the car and digging it's wheels out:

Only to find that it won't start, flat battery I think.

Hope everyone is safe and warm, have a great weekend :0)


  1. Dogs in the snow are always so fun to watch! Those are quite the snowballs on her!

  2. Love snow, just don't get much here in El Paso.

    Good to have you back Love.


  3. Quite a few of the British assistants her in Dijon are regretting being far from home. Most want to go to their towns just to be able to see snow since it is so rare.

    I really like the cool icicles and the shooting Star picture. :-)

    -Barb the French Bean

  4. Well, I've been experiencing the same weather conditions. Love the photos of your ASBO dogs. Having lived in England, for a while now, I know what 'ASBO', means:-)
    Our dog Penny demonstrated her 'snow ploughing' skills. She tried to clear a pathway to the front road. I note the snow is beginning to melt.
    Have a peaceful weekend and you stay nice and warm.
    In kindness, Gary:-)

  5. Pfft, you call that snow?

    Nice to see you back.
