Sorry for the posting gap

Apologies for my absence from the blog I have been feeling very ill so haven't written much although I have ideas in my flu filled head. Gorilla flu is quite nasty, hope it doesn't spread. I've been trying to keep up with reading your blogs and will be back with you all this weekend.

Mrs M


  1. I have found flu to be great fuel for the imagination. Characters coming into my bedroom and dancing on the ceiling. Have you met any interesting ghosts while you've been under the influence of flu medications?

  2. Get better soon. I fought the flu early this week.

  3. Hope you are feeling better now. I caught a nasty disease off a Gorilla once...

  4. Hoping you feel MUCH better and back up on your feet quickly.

    If you have been down and out badly, you might have to ask Mr. M to help unmat your Gorilla Hair.


    Take your Time and Feel well.

    We, Your Bloggin Buddies and Buddettes, will still be here to follow you and goose you along.


  5. Thank you everyone, I'm feeling much better now just an annoying cough that is upsetting the dogs.

    No ghosts Bruce but I've been having odd dreams.

  6. I shall type this very quickly:-) Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and that the annoying cough is soon gone. Please just rest and take it easy.
    In kindness, Gary:-)

  7. Gorilla Flu? Is that a real ailment? o_O"

    I hope you feel better soon!

    -Barb the French Bean

  8. Get pressure that we're all waiting on you or anything ;-) hehe, can't wait for some new posts!

  9. glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. It seems that all of us in this little bloggosphere seem to have had the flu in the past month!
