
Tonight I am going to see Agatha Christie's Mousetrap.  I'm most excited.

See I must confess I'm a (not so) closet Christie fan.  I love Mrs Marple, Hercule, Harlequin and even Tommy and Tupence.  I am really looking forward to watcvhing the play.  Also I have no idea what it's about or who did it.  It's such a treat to see something that hasn't been ruined by a almost feature length trailer or overly detailed review.


  1. Hey Mrs M,

    Yes, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! I've heard of that 'play' and I play a very good game of Mouse Trap. Although, I wish they had a game named 'Cat Trap'! Yes, I'm kidding. Enjoy the play :)


  2. Thank you Penny, i had to promise not to tell "who done it" but I'll let you in on a secret, it wasn't the dog!
